Bramble and Thyme

  • still waiting for spring
    I’ve woken up on another Saturday morning to grey skies, wet wet rain and wind. It is so frustrating. Lots of people in the UK have had a far worse experience than I have so I try to poke myself into remembering that when I am feeling particuarly overcome by melancholy. I shall allow aContinue reading “still waiting for spring”
  • what I’m sowing in January
    Winter is here. It’s been a mix of dingy bleak grey rainy days and then over the last few its been gloriously crisp and bright. I’ve self-diagnosed with the growing itch and have spent many hours over the past few weeks doing some serious planning and convincing myself of which seeds I can sow nowContinue reading “what I’m sowing in January”
  • looking back on 2019
    At 7.30am on 1 Jan 2020, I’m taking a last look back at 2019. I’ve spent the last few days planning ahead and devouring seed catalogues and making lots of lists and plans. It’s brilliant and there’s more to do but I want to take a moment, pause, breath, reflect and hold those moments fromContinue reading “looking back on 2019”
  • a homemade wreath (or two)
    “and the prettiest sight you’ll see, is the holly that will be on your own front door” – one of my favourite lines from ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’. Over the past few years I’ve mixed it up between trying to make my own wreath, tying foliage onto a twiggy wreath structureContinue reading “a homemade wreath (or two)”
  • soups and stews
    In appreciating autumn this year, I’ve really relished in making soups and stews. A mouthful really does warm the cockles of your heart. Rich flavours, hearty goodness and soft tender meat and vegetables – what’s not to like?! Here are some of my favourites: 1. Leek and Potato Soup. It’s a classic and I’ve notContinue reading “soups and stews”

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