still waiting for spring

I’ve woken up on another Saturday morning to grey skies, wet wet rain and wind. It is so frustrating. Lots of people in the UK have had a far worse experience than I have so I try to poke myself into remembering that when I am feeling particuarly overcome by melancholy. I shall allow a little indulgance here. For the past month every weekend has been wet and windy, I’ve moved all my pots to shelter against walls and the garden furniture is rammed in the shed. Two large chunks of fence have wobbled over so we have an obstacle course to traverse to make it from the back garden out to the front. I haven’t been to the allotment in three weeks and last time I was there it was very boggy so goodness knows what state its in now. My one built raised bed is still at home waiting to be transported and the garlic still isnt planted.

But – there are signs of spring poking through. It’s a desperate hope for sunnier days and pops of colour as you walk around. The hawthorn blossom has come out this week and it lifts the dull brown hedgerow with clouds of fluffy yet delicate white blooms.

I have loved my iris reticulata, planted up in late October. The rich blue and purple blooms are absolute gold at this time of year. I’ve been obsessively checking in on the buds waiting for them to open. When they do, and catch the rare moment of sunlight, its pure joy. I’ve loved the snowdrops too, bless their little hearts surviving gale force winds and hanging out next to my swiss chard. I lost lots of crocus to squirrels but I’ve seen more poke through than I thought in the last few days. These rich purple ones have a heavy flower head and they really stand out.

I’ve been restraining my growing habits as much as I can and have attempted to stick to my elaborate planting schedule. I’ve got seed potatoes chitting and they are doing nicely, the extra earlies are going to go into grow bags next weekend (as the raised bed is not built and not at the allotment yet – hopefully in time for the first earlies it will be!). Aforementioned garlic still in box in the house. I’ve sowed leeks and red onions which are sitting on the windowsill needing some sun. The mini greenhouse has had a plastic zippy extension and a cold frame is en route (shhh don’t tell him indoors). Larkspur is doing fab, still little plants but they’re growing and I’ve sowed more seeds into the empty modules and most have now germinated. Orlaya and wild carrot are a struggle I’m not going to have many of those, but there are a few little babies that I’ll pot on soon. Snapdragons and sweet peas are doing well. I lost the autumn sweet peas to the little mouse who took residence in one of my plant pots – I have a few straggly sticks which have side shooted so maybe not all is lost. I sowed more in early January and am pleased with how they are looking. I’ve also sowed more cerinthe (mouse) which is also looking healthy. I’m also very excited about my cobaea scandens – the cup and saucer vine – it eventually germinated really well and lots of strong shoots coming up. Not sure how tall its going to get before it can go outside in mid-May!

I’ve got a list of more things to sow – scabious, purple bell vine and I want to start my peas and beans off (again planned to sow direct in a raised bed onthe allotment which doesn’t exist) in pots.

In a rare dry moment I started to clear back last year’s stems in the borders and weed so that I can order a big bag of mulch and get that down in March. Lots of exciting signs of new life, with daffs poking up and some seedlings which I’m going to give a chance before a yank them out. The red valarian has come back strong and my foxglove babies are huge robust plants now. The bare-root roses that I planted in November have shooted and look really healthy – its dramatic compared to the pot bought ones in the same border which are much more spindly. I am SO excited for those roses to bloom.

Clutching the signs of new life and hoping for a dryer sunnier tomorrow is going to dominate my weekend plans again. I’m going to get out there are sow the seeds for tomorrow, even if its pouring down.. I know that it will provide me with calmness, excitement and joy.

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